Hey y’all!!!
I had some pretty big expectations for my first year at Baylor considering I had been DREAMING of being a bear practically my whole life!! However, my expectations were completely blown out of the water!!! God truly blessed me with INCREDIBLE friends, an amazing church to call home, and such fun opportunities!! Even though it was cut short, I wouldn’t trade the experience I had for the world. Here are some of my favorite moments and memories from my Freshman year! SIC EM!!
August was a month of so many “firsts”! Meeting my roommate, Bailey, was so stinking excited!! We skipped most of the Welcome Week activities at night in order to just talk and laugh with each other!! I was seriously so blessed to have her as my roommate. I couldn’t have asked for a sweeter friend!!
August also included my first Baylor Line run!! Honestly one of the most exhilarating and fun experiences of my life (although I quickly learned NEVER to try and wear a skirt again haha!)!! Also sweet was making so many friends in theater, becoming addicted to Heritage Creamery, making frequent target runs, and finding my church home!!
God was teaching me so much this month about trusting him the unknowns. When the future is unknown, I can take comfort in knowing that God holds tomorrow. I struggled a lot with having contentment in seasons of waiting!
September is when I started to get in the groove of things!! I was cast in my first theater project at Baylor: a fun water themed Postmodernism! I continued to develop deep friendships with theater guys and gals! Running the Baylor line seriously never got old. Football games were the BEST and Baylor was playing much better than I anticipated they would! I got to visit Miquela’s hometown and spend a weekend with her family! Bailey and I also went on an adventure to chase the sunset one night, which was one of my favorite moments with her!
There were many late nights in September, met with a lot of homesickness and loneliness. I couldn’t have survived it all without a couple of people who met me exactly where I was and spoke encouragement to me in times of weakness. Only one month in to college and I was already crying in front of these sweet friends I had just met haha! It was incredible. I was met with an intentionality, vulnerability, and love that I had never experienced before. Late night cry sessions in cars or midnight laughs on the steps of my dorm were my favorite thing about September.
October was a hard month. I struggled with Imposter’s Syndrome big time- in theater, and in my friendships. I was super insecure in who I was as a person, convincing myself that I had nothing to offer. I let this mindset really hurt some important relationships I had developed!
But also, October was a beautiful month!! Aunt Jill had a sleepover in Dawson! I experienced my first Baylor Homecoming as a student! The Bears continued to win football games! I had so many fun adventures with Tess and Maddie! Coffee dates were frequent and happy!! Classes went well and I learned a lot about God’s character!
November was SO STINKING FUN!! Mallory came up to Baylor for a slumber party! I really plugged in to my life group! I met CHIP GANES!! There were friendsgivings, smoothie dates, worship nights, and so many fun adventures. Theater started to feel like family this month. I had found my people, and I loved them more than I could even express.
November was challenging in finding my worth in the Lord. I found myself constantly seeking the approval of other to determine my value. I struggled with jealousy and envy. I learned how to go for God in moments of anxiety and how to let my soul dwell in perfect peace!
DECEMBER!! My first theater banquet… and my date was the INCREDIBLE Jospeh!! Final’s season kicked my booty emotionally, but study breaks with friends gave me life! My heart loved every moment spent with sweet Tess! Christmas time is really just the warmest feeling!
I struggled with self esteem in December. I had let so many lies creep in to my mind and become my truth. I had convinced my self I was unlovely and unworthy. Christmas break came at the perfect time- I really dedicated those weeks to finding myself in the Lord again.
“New year, new me” sounds so cliche but truly, that’s what happened to me this January… at least in my mindset and in my relationship with God! This month might have been my favorite socially- I joined CHI OMEGA with my best friend!! And the rush process was so fun! I signed a lease for an apartment #adulting! I saw my favorite artist, Will Reagan, in concert and then was encouraged by my friends to wait and meet him (I was SO stinking nervous y’all have no idea)! Lauren and Campbell became our future roommates! I became a life group leader for a sweet group of 5th grade girls!!
I also joined a musical theater voice class, WHAT!! I was so nervous, but I felt God calling me to be brave. HE BLESSED MY OBEDIENCE- sweet Tess was randomly assigned to be my voice partner! I grew so much as a performer that month, and in my trust in the Lord.
This month I worked so hard on renewing my mind and my heart. I struggled with shame, embarrassed about silly things that I had let control my thinking my first semester. I had to constantly be clinging to God for identity, especially when jealousy would start to creep in. I acted on my own emotions many times this month, but found freedom and grace when I asked for forgiveness from the Lord.
February is such a PINK month ahhh my favorite!! I went through Chi O initiation, which might have been my favorite week of college. I got my big, Celia!! I saw Sadie Robertson Huff with Anna!! It SNOWED!!! I! LOVE! FEBRUARY!!!!
I was cast in Legally Blonde this month, which was equally exciting and terrifying. I struggled with anxiety this month like never before. I was horrified to sing in front of others. I didn’t trust myself or my ability. Those incredible couple of friends I let in on this were the reason I survived February- they saw me in some of my lowest moments this month. How blessed I was to have friends that I could call uncontrollably crying… they would speak truth over me, pray for me, and remind me that there is NO FEAR in love. Anxiety??? Pshhh, have you met my God????
March!! A very happy month for friendships! I love the spring time, and although this month did not go exactly as planned, I was so thankful for the consistency of God through it all. Legally Blonde rehearsals were becoming less scary and more fun! Sorority events were plentiful and I was really starting to form relationships with other Chi Os! I had the best spring break EVER with Tess in San Antonio! We got to celebrate her birthday together and go on all sorts of fun day trips!
And then it all stopped. We learned that school would no longer be in session in person and that we would not be living in Waco. As heartbreaking as this was, it is absolutely so comforting to look back on all the happy memories from this year. God has a plan through it all!!
Bring it on sophomore year!!!!!