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...on 2 Corinthians 6

Sentiment sneaks in once again.

I have a God-sized hole in my soul as I am swept away by my idealized hope in earthly things.

I grieve the loss of my expectations, where I thought I’d be by now.

How long, Lord?

How long?

The enemy tries to build on the real estate this creates.

The grass is already dead,

and he’s building with sticks and straw.

I know it’s a fragile structure but, for a moment,

I believe that his lies are a safe place to rest my head.

I’m left hurt.

Feeling unloved,


and utterly alone.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, where streams of living water flow.

There, my maker waits.

He takes my grief

and reminds me of all the reasons to rejoice:

At a savior who took on all sin, wrath, and death,

at Jesus, who died and rose again,

and at a perfect Father, who is not finished with me yet.

I come to him poor- there’s nothing I have that He has not given me,

and yet he uses my story and my brokenness as ministry-

The honor of showing others the rock and stream

that has brought my dead heart to life.

I have nothing on Earth-

My future is unclear, my heart longs for self,

AND YET, I possess everything I need in Christ.

I am a co-worker for the King.

I am His daughter.

I am his beloved… and HE



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