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Fighting for Gospel sincerity and those Jesus loves through passionate and authentic creative arts.

Hi! My name is Katie Lester and I am so glad you are here! I am a 22-year-old Texas gal who is passionate about combining the truth and sincerity of the Gospel with expressive creativity. 


I graduated from Baylor University in 2023 with a degree in Theater Performance, with minors in Digital Media and Non-Profit marketing... but I definitely had enough credit hours at Sonic to have a degree there too if it were possible. Along with my obsession with Vanilla Dr. Pepper, I love the color pink, the disco ball in my car, and celebrating moments big and small!


I find joy in using my gifts to advance the Gospel. I believe that the creative arts hold a unique power to stir souls closer to their Creator!


I grew up in church, however I did not quite understand what it meant to walk with Jesus in a personal way until I was a teenager. I am passionate about continually learning about my God, in a way that affects both my head knowledge and my heart's affection. I want to deeply love my creator, know His true character, and let that be what drives my service to others and my creative work.


Scripture calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves, specifically the poor and marginalized. In studying the way Jesus spent his time, I believe that all my talents and passions are best utilized if they are continually served in passionate love towards others. In whatever I do, may Christ be magnified and others be elevated.


I have always love the arts, and from a young age was begging to be on the stage, asking everyone to read my stories, and was designing PowerPoints for my family. Not much has changed today, with my first love remaining the creative arts. Whether it is running an organization's Instagram account, leading a Bible Study, creating digital study resources, performing in a show, or writing a blog post, you can always find me doing something creative... it's where I come alive!

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